Hello there!

I am not a blogger, however my dear friend Fabrice Semti inspired to write post, well this post is similar to his post. It is all about these -in my opinion- very cool website technologies. This website is running on HUGO. One of the most popular open-source static site generators using markdown files for content and toml files for the site configuration along with html and CSS. This does not sound something blog worthy; however, the “cool” part is how HUGO be able to connected with different technologies.

  • HUGO installed on my local computer and generated the website locally.
  • That folder has been made a private Github repository
  • What is linked to AWS Amplify

Whenever I commit my changes on the code to Github, it is triggering a build in AWS Amplify.

The flowchart is looks like this.


You can use themes to make it beautiful. Mine using a heavily modified Den’s theme. This is a nice and simple design; I needed something clean to build on as I like to tinker.